Issue 18

“why I am only starting to love you”

 · Poetry


in the 80’s, semioticians were employed to debate on & devise an unmistakable

system of signs meant to deter future civilizations from disturbing nuclear waste sites

the so-called “long-time” nuclear waste warning messages thy produced took on

quasi-mystical significations — the sites were so dangerous & the necessary deterrence

stretching so far into the future that the non-linguistic signage, when taken from the

hypothetical viewpoint of 10,000 years on, apes the most hauntingly deferential cultic

shrines ungirded by archaeology       apocalypse in the form of depth-swarming triadic


“no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here” says the Sandia report

the semioticians & researchers proposed several strange & eerie solutions to the

problem they faced                                                  grotesque, “hostile” architecture

in the shape of senseless roads or

a labyrinth of house-sized monoliths*

a great field of giant spikes

rendering the landscape permanently untillable, &c.

more possessing: a chthonic priesthood to build a Death-cult’s mythology around

the sites; a long-time papacy to forbid & forebode; radiation wearing ghost masks; the

emanations of the very ground we walk the cause & unfurling of chaos or order

the latter proposal mirrors the Forbidden Forest trope of fairy tale

& each belies the efforts of fabrication & schizoid inference @ play in




find me

in the distance going

went     find u on


the obverse

irradiated slab


we will hurt the earth


* cf. Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

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